In 1977, I was an associate at what was then the 2nd largest law firm(1) in France, and was made partner on the same day as six other associates at a very young age(2). Most of the other associate...
In 1977, I was an associate at what was then the 2nd largest law firm(1) in France, and was made partner on the same day as six other associates at a very young age(2). Most of the other associate...
par Louis B. Buchman *
Avocat aux Barreaux de Paris et de New York
L'OMPI, basée à Genève, est une agence spécialisée de l'Organisation des Nations-Unies.
Avant la création de l'ONU, le Bureau inte...
Louis B. Buchman
Avocat i Attorney at law, członek adwokatury paryskiej i nowojorskiej
* opublikowano w „The Arbitration Process”, Kluwer, 2002
Wstęp: kluczowe, choć trudne pytanie
O dziwo, nie ...
Louis B. Buchman**
Abogado (Paris) y Attorney-at-law (New York)
SUMARIO: 1. Introducción. 2. Dos advertencias. 3. Los elementos de la ecuación: la necesidad de confianza y un buen criterio de selec...
© Louis B. Buchman
Avocat (Paris) and Attorney at Law (New York)
Introduction: a central, but difficult question
Surprisingly, there is not much published material on this question. This is surpri...