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Maître Louis B. Buchman, arbitre et médiateur

Maitre Louis B. Buchman, avocat, arbitre, mediateur a paris

Attorney-at-Law (New York), Adv. E. (Paris)

Practice areas:

Arbitration and Mediation

Arbitration Panels:

WIPO, ICDR-AAA, Polish Arbitration Court


French, English, Italian and Polish

LinkedIn Profile :

LOUIS B. BUCHMAN  30, Avenue Georges Mandel, 75116 Paris (France) web :

Nationality: French

Born: December 22, 1949 in Paris

Education: Master in Public Law, 1971 (Paris II Panthéon Assas University); BA in English Literature, 1971 (Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle University); Advanced Studies Diploma in European Law, 1976 (Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne University); Fellow, French National Defense Advanced Studies Institute, 1992.

Languages: French, English, Polish, Italian, working knowledge of German.

Bar Admissions: Paris Bar, 1974 (Emeritus 2023); New York State Supreme Court, 1989; U.S. District Court, Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, 1990; U.S. Court of International Trade, 1993; U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 1994.

Certifications: Specialist in Arbitration Law and in International and European Law

Present Position: Owner and Principal, Lexforce

Professional Career: Partner, Fieldfisher LLP (2008-2018);  Partner, Dubarry Le Douarin Veil (2006-2007); Managing Partner, Hirsch & Partners (2005-2006), Managing Partner, Caubet Chouchana Meyer (1996-2004); Managing Partner, Caubet Buchman Spalter (1979-1996); Partner, Goldsmith, Delvolvé & Associés (1977-1978); Associate, Goldsmith, Delvolvé & Associés (1975-1977).

Main areas of Practice: Arbitration and Mediation

Louis B. Buchman, Arbitration Experience:

  • Counsel to a Dutch company, in an ICC case in Düsseldorf, Germany against a French company (Sales Terms, Commercial Dispute, Mobil-Homes and Caravans);
  • Counsel to a U.S. company, in an ICC case in Paris against a French company (Sales Terms, Implied Warranties, Wines);
  • Counsel to a French company, in London Court of Arbitration proceedings in London (Sales of Commodity, Quality, Milk Powder);
  • Counsel to a French company, in a case before the Chambre Arbitrale Maritime de Paris in Paris (Shipping, Charter-Party, Bills of Lading);
  • Counsel to an inter-governmental organization, in a case before the Court of Arbitration of the French Cocoa Association in Paris against a UK company (Sales of Commodity, Terms; Breach, Cocoa);
  • Party-appointed Arbitrator, ICC case in Paris between Italian contractor and French Bank (Performance Bond);
  • Sole Arbitrator, three ad hoc arbitrations, re: outgoing senior management of French companies (Termination indemnities);
  • Party-appointed Arbitrator, ICC case in Paris between Italian Computer Manufacturer and Greek company (Unfair Competition, Contract Terms, Breach, Computers);
  • Party-appointed Arbitrator, ICC case in London between U.S. and French companies (Environmental clean-up liability, Warranty by co-venturer under the US Federal CERCLA Statute, nickel ore);
  • Counsel to a Swiss company in an ICC case in Paris against a Swedish company (Pharmaceutical Patent Licensing, Royalty Payments, Accounting);
  • Party-appointed Arbitrator, in an ad hoc arbitration held in Dijon, France between an Israeli citizen, his French company and a French company (Sale of Business, Warranties and Representations, Watches);
  • Counsel to a Polish citizen in an ICC case in Paris against a French company (Agency, Termination, Breach, Milk By-Products);
  • Counsel to a French company in an ICC case in Zürich, Switzerland, against an Austrian company (Technical Specifications, OEM, Breach and Termination, electric razors);
  • Chairman of Arbitral Tribunal in an ICC case in Paris between U.S. and French Transport companies (Termination of reciprocal exclusive agency agreements);
  • Party-appointed Arbitrator, in an arbitration held in Warsaw under the Chamber of Commerce Rules, between French and Polish companies and a Polish Regional Transport Agency (Sale of tramways, rolling-stock equipment and related maintenance services);
  • Co-counsel to a French company in an arbitration held in Sao Paulo under the Rules of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Brazil against a Brazilian company (Interior decoration services);
  • Counsel to a French company in an arbitration held in Geneva under the New Swiss Rules against a German company (Quality of ingredients);
  • Counsel to a Brunei company in an ICC case against a German company (Financing of plant construction);
  • Counsel to a French shareholder in an ad hoc arbitration in Paris against a French company (Implementation of a share buy-out agreement);
  • Counsel to a US corporation in a WIPO case in Geneva against two French inventors (Cosmetics, patent assignment);
  • Party-appointed arbitrator in an ICC arbitration held in Geneva between a French company and a Monaco company (licensing agreement);
  • Counsel to an Italian company in an ISF arbitration held in Paris and Lausanne against a French company (sugar beet seeds quality dispute);
  • Co-counsel to a Chilean company in an ICC case in Santiago against a US company (Food franchise);
  • Counsel to the largest private Congolese company against the Democratic Republic of Congo (Road construction);
  • Co-counsel to an Italian company in an ISF arbitration held in Hannover against a Serbian company (sugar beet seeds quality dispute);
  • Counsel to a Polish seller in a LCIA case in London against a Russian buyer (automobile machinery);
  • Sole arbitrator in an ICC case in Paris between a Polish company and a Monaco company (sale of goods, reduction in price due to quality defects);
  • Chairman of Arbitral Tribunal in an UNCITRAL case in Warsaw between the Polish State and a Polish construction company with international shareholders (consequences of a regulatory change on the financial balance of a contract);
  • Counsel to a Norwegian company in an ICC case in Paris against a Tunisian company (wrongful termination of partnership, contract breaches);
  • Counsel to a Togolese company in a Chamber of Arbitration of Milan case, in Milan, against a Monaco company (Termination of multi-territories agency agreement);
  • Counsel to a North African state-owned enterprise in an ICC case in Geneva against Mauritanian companies (Telecommunications, shareholders dispute);
  • Counsel to an Austrian company in a WIPO case in Geneva against a Turkish distributor (Agribusiness, unpaid goods, breaches, termination of contract);
  • Sole Arbitrator in a WIPO case in Paris between French and Portuguese companies (Solar energy, agency agreement, unpaid invoices);
  • Party-appointed expert witness, in a JAMS case in Washington, DC, between a US partnership and a German national (French Civil Liability and Professional Insurance);
  • Party-appointed Arbitrator, in an arbitration in New York held under the AAA Commercial Arbitration Rules, between US and Swiss companies (Software License Agreement).

Louis B. Buchman, Mediation Experience:

Counsel to several French companies and individuals in international mediations based on institutional Rules (ICC, WIPO and ICDR); Counsel to an Austrian company in a WIPO mediation in Geneva, against a Turkish company.

Louis B. Buchman, Arbitration-related Litigation Experience:

Counsel in many court cases involving either the challenge or replacement of arbitrators or the enforcement of arbitral clauses or awards (including their setting aside).

Publications of Louis B. Buchman

“Some Aspects of French Law”, in Limitation of Free Bargaining and Sanctity of Contracts with Performing Artists and Composers, Maklu, 1987, (with André Schmidt); “Mortgages and Secured Lending in an East-West Context”, in Eastern Bloc joint Ventures (Butterworths, 1990);Freezing of Assets in France” (Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business, Graham and Trotman, 1991); Chapters on France, respectively in Enforcement of Copyright and Related Rights Affecting the Music Industry (Maklu, 1993), in Handbook on Provisional Remedies in International Commercial Arbitration (Walter De Gruyter & Co., 1994) and in Lawyers and Professional Liability (Lloyd's of London Press, 1995); “New Dispute Resolution System Introduced For Intellectual Property Disputes” in IPBA Legal Update (January 1996); “Mediation” in International Contracts and Arbitration (Center for International Legal Studies, 1998); “La médiation, mode alternatif de résolution des litiges internationaux” and “Die Mediation, alternative Arten der Beilegung internationaler Prozesse aus französischer Sicht” in Anwalts Revue 4/2000 (Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 2000); How To Select An Arbitratorin The Arbitration Process (Kluwer, 2002); "Effective International Mediation Advocacy : Expectations of a European Client" in IDR – Journal of International Dispute Resolution (1/2004); “Mediation and the Law: Case Law and other Aspects of French Law” in IBA Mediation Newsletter (Vol. 1 N°2  2005); “Corporate Governance Reform” in The American and French Legal Systems: Contrasting Approaches to Global Business, Lamy, 2005; “Les Rapports Doing Business : le point de vue du praticien” in Revue du Droit des Affaires (Paris University Panthéon-Assas N°3/October 2005); “Gouvernance d’entreprise en France” in Juriste international (N°2006-2); “Urgence d’un nouveau paradigme pour la profession d’Avocat” in Gazette du Palais (25-26 January 2008); “Vers une communauté de juristes ?”, in LJA of 17 March 2008; “Préférez l’arbitrage!” co-authored with Eric Loquin in Gazette du Palais (14-16 September 2008); “Trois bonnes raisons” co-authored with Eric Loquin in MOCI (30 October and 27 November 2008); “L’arrêt West Tankers vu de France” co-authored with Eric Loquin in Ksiega Pamiatkowa, SAKIG, 2010); “Reforma francuskiego prawa arbitrazowego” in Biuletyn Arbitrazowy Nr 4-16 (SAKIG,  2011) ; “L’acte d’avocat”, in LJA of 28 March 2011 ; “Frankreich: Berufsrecht und Anwaltsethik gemeinsam geregelt” in BRAK Mitteilungen 03/11 of June 2011; "French Arbitration Law Reform" in Yearbook of International Arbitration, Vol. II (NWV, Vienna 2012); "The CESL's Contribution in Terms of Damages and Interest" in The Proposed Common European Sales Law – The Lawyers' View (Sellier, 2012); "La profession d'avocat, largement ouverte à la concurrence" (with Pierre-Olivier Sur), in "A quoi sert la concurrence ?" (Revue Concurrences, 2014); "Traité de libre-échange transatlantique : Quel impact pour les entreprises et les avocats français ?" in LJA May-June 2015; "Le Traité Transatlantique,  menace ou opportunité pour les avocats européens ?" (with David Levy), in L'Observateur de Bruxelles N°103, DBF/Larcier, January 2016; "Faut-il avoir peur des start-ups juridiques ?" in Dalloz Avocats, February 2016; "La déontologie est-elle vraiment un frein pour les avocats ?" in Village de la Justice, 13 May 2016; "La face cachée du droit européen : Les failles de son application par les juridictions nationales" in Conseils & Entreprises n°141 (Revue de l'ACE), September 2017; "Le management des structures moyennes et grandes" in Mutations dans l'univers des avocats, Prat Editions, October 2017; "Como Seleccionar Un Arbitro?" in Revista JustoMedio n°125 (Lima, August 2018); "Two Mediation Stories", in Corporate Mediation Journal (2019 1-2), Eleven International Publishing; “Avocat : Aide-toi, le ciel t’aidera”, in Village de la Justice (21 April 2020); “Le secret professionnel des avocats n’est pas absolu. Devons-nous en maintenir le mythe ?”, in Droit & Patrimoine (6 May 2020);"The French Law on Duty of Vigilance", in IWRZ 2/2021, Nomos Verlag; "The Legal Profession in France in 2021: An Overview", SSRN (August 2021); “La jurimétrie, réponse aux nouvelles attentes des clients”, Case Law Analytics (September 2021); Chapter on First Demand Bank Guarantees under French Law in Die Bankgarantie im internationalen Handelsverkehr (R&W Verlag, 2022); “Les modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits” in Dictionnaire du Monde Judiciaire, Bouquins (2022) and "L'Avocat et les modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits" in L'Avocat.e, Dalloz, 2023.

Professional Associations of Louis B. Buchman:

Law Societies' Compact and Forum for SDG16 (Goodwill Ambassador 2023-2025) ; European Lawyers Foundation (Supervisory Board Member 2020-2022); Council of the Bars of Europe-CCBE (Chair, Finance Committee 2006-2012 and chair, International Legal Services Committee 2013-2018); French National Bar Council (Chair, European and International Affairs Committee, 2018-2020); Paris Bar (Councillor, 2013-2015); French Institute of International Legal Experts - IFEJI (Vice-President, 2002-2013 and Expert, 2006); Paris Bar Training School (Board Member 1998-2004); French Business Lawyers Association ACE (Vice-President 1996-2018); International League of Competition Law (Vice-President 2004-2006); International Association of Entertainment Lawyers (President 1989-1992); UIA-International Association of Lawyers (Governing Board member and Adviser to the President, 1997-2004); Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Fellow (1996) and Vice-Chairman, European Branch (2001-2003).


Adjunct Judge (2023-2024); Neutral in Domain Name Disputes, appointed by the World Intellectual Property Organization's Arbitration and Mediation Center (decisions available online:; Captain, French Navy (Ret).








Number of cases


Sole Arbitrator





















SAKIG (Polish ArbitrationCourt)







Ad Hoc








WIPO and others









Number of Cases:













Ad Hoc












AFCC and others







Number of cases:
























Louis B. Buchman, avocat, arbitre, mediateur a paris

Louis B. Buchman a fondé Lexforce début 2019 après plus d’une décennie comme associé de Fieldfisher LLP, pour développer sa pratique d’arbitrage et de médiation, sans les constants conflits d’intérêts inhérents aux structures de très grande taille.

De nationalité française, après une hypokhâgne au Lycée Henri IV à Paris, Louis a suivi des études de droit, de lettres et de sciences politiques. Il est diplômé d’études approfondies de droit européen de l’université Paris-I.

Avocat au Barreau de Paris depuis 1974 (honoraire depuis 2023) et au Barreau de New York depuis 1989, Louis est spécialiste en droit international et de l'Union européenne et en droit de l'arbitrage. Il a participé à plus de quarante-cinq arbitrages internationaux comme conseil de parties ou comme arbitre et à plusieurs médiations internationales.

Depuis le 1er janvier 2019, il est médiateur auprès de la Cour d’appel de Paris.

Il a également une grande expérience du contentieux, essentiellement devant les juridictions françaises, mais aussi devant le Tribunal de l’Union Européenne.

Il est Fellow du Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, et est régulièrement nommé par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle pour trancher des litiges relatifs à des noms de domaine. Ses plus de deux cents décisions sont consultables ici

Louis est l’auteur de nombreuses publications en français et en anglais relatives à l’arbitrage et à la médiation, à la gouvernance d’entreprise, aux garanties bancaires à première demande et à la profession d’avocat.

Capitaine de vaisseau (h) de la Marine Nationale, Louis est auditeur de l’Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale.

Outre l’anglais, il parle italien et polonais.

Il a été nommé en janvier 2023 ambassadeur de bonne volonté pour promouvoir l'initiative pour l'accès à la justice, portée par les barreaux du monde entier, membres du Pacte et Forum des Barreaux pour l'Objectif de Développement Durable N°16 (état de droit et accès à la justice) 

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